10 Back To School Tips to Kick-Start The New School Year! Going back to school is stressful for kids of all ages, so head off the stress before schools start. Through preparation and organization, you can ensure that your child will have a smooth transition to the start of the new school year. By doing so, you and your child can enjoy the rest of your summer break. Here are 10 back to school tips to kick-start the new school year and get you prepared for a fresh start. 1. Get your child’s yearly checkup. School and germs go hand in hand, so it’s best to get your child’s yearly checkup before schools even start. 2. Get back into your sleep routine. Begin your usual school sleep routine about a week or so before schools start. 3. Shop for school-supplies together. This is a great way to give them a little bit of responsibility too! 4. Re-establish school routines. About a week or so before schools start, plan a few outside activities where your child will have to leave and come home around the same time they would if they were in school. 5. Set up a homework station. Sit down with your child and together designate a time and place where he can do his homework each day. Make sure to choose a time where you are available in case your child needs your help. 6. Prepare for the unexpected. Before school even begins, it’s a good idea to have a sitter already lined up in case you get that phone call home from the nurse saying your child is ill. 7. Make an after-school game plan. Make a plan for where your child will go after school. This will help eliminate any confusion during the first few weeks. 8. Turn off the TV and video games. Ease your child into the learning process by turning off the electrics and encouraging them to read or play quietly. 9. Review school material and information. Make sure that you read through this information carefully, and mark down all important dates on your calendar. 10. Manage your own anxiety. Maintain a positive attitude about summer ending.
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